The Journal of Peace and Diplomacy (JPD) is an annual multidisciplinary journal by the Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies (IPDS), Islamabad, Pakistan, that offers insights and fosters academic debate about international affairs and global and regional politics.
It is a double-blind peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the latest academic research and applied information related to international relations, peace and diplomacy, and diverse connected fields of social sciences.
JPD publishes original research papers with innovative and insightful research that advances the understanding of global events and their impact on the world. The articles cover a wide range of topics, from international security and conflict resolution to global governance, international law, and foreign policy.
The mission of the JDP is to provide a platform for scholars and experts to share and exchange their insights and analyses on pressing issues in the field of international relations and to promote interdisciplinary and diverse perspectives in the publication, to advance a deeper understanding of global politics and policies.
JPD aims to foster a diverse community of scholars, practitioners, and policymakers and to develop innovative ideas and solutions to pressing global challenges with a commitment to promote interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives and support the next generation of international relations scholars and practitioners.
JPD aims to provide a platform for scholars and researchers to publish and exchange their innovative research and analysis on political, economic, social, and cultural issues that impact global governance, security, and development. JPD welcomes empirical and theoretical contributions from various disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. It encourages critical and imaginative approaches to understand the dynamics of international relations in a rapidly changing world.
At the Journal of Peace and Diplomacy, our mission is guided by the following significant core values:
At the Journal of Peace and Diplomacy, our mission is guided by the following significant core values:
JPD addresses a broad range of areas that are relevant and reflective of peace and diplomacy. The scope of papers may include research into the following disciplines:
Rakhmatulla I.Nurimbetov, PhD in politics Tashkent State University for Oriental Studies, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Abstract: The article explores the expansion of the SCO through perspective of the Central Asian countries’ (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) interests. , Despite the changing regional focus of the SCO, the
Jublee Bano belongs to mountainous area, District Hunza Nagar, Gilgit Baltistan. She has done MSC economics and currently doing MPHIL in international Development Studies. She has completed two months short course in Gender inclusion in Water Resource Management from University of Queensland under Australian Pakistan
JABEENSocial Activist And Project Management Professional Maria Jabeen from Gilgit-Baltistan is a social activist by heart and a multi-skilled project management professional who deeply believes in the diversity as strength of a society for significant development in true sense. During her Bachelor’s degree from GCU
Engineers Without Borders Denmark In Disaster Syeda Natasha Anwar, a graduate from International Islamic University Islamabad is the first female from her family who got professional education. Currently doing working with “Engineers without Borders Denmark in Disaster”. Being an active youth Activist, she has worked
Saeeda khan, a young activist from the most conflict effected region of Pakistan, Khyber Pukhtonkhwa, holds M.Phil. degree in Development
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